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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 外研版五年級英語下冊 > 《She didn't have a television》PPT教學課件

《She didn't have a television》PPT教學課件

《She didn't have a television》PPT教學課件 詳細介紹:

《She didn\t have a television》PPT教學課件《She didn\t have a television》PPT教學課件

外研版五年級英語下冊《She didn't have a television》PPT教學課件,共14頁。

She worked in the fields.

She cooked on a fire.

She didn’t have a television.

She didn’t have a radio.

She didn’t have a telephone.



She _________on a fire. 

She_________have a television or a radio.

She_________have a telephone.

She_________in the fields.

She_________read and write.

Many years ago, my grandma lived in a small house…

... ... ...

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