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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 人教版八年級英語上冊 > 《What's the best movie theater?》PPT下載(第5課時)

《What's the best movie theater?》PPT下載(第5課時)

《What's the best movie theater?》PPT下載(第5課時) 詳細介紹:

《What\s the best movie theater?》PPT下載(第5課時)《What\s the best movie theater?》PPT下載(第5課時)

人教版八年級英語上冊《What's the best movie theater?》PPT下載(第5課時),共37頁。

Learning Objectives 

By the end of the class, you will be able to

write about your city / town and the best places / things there.

Which town / city do you think is the best?

Why do you think so?

… has the best …

… is the best because …

… is better than …, but … is the most … 

I think Hangzhou is the best city in China. Because it’s the most beautiful. West Lake is famous for its amazing views all around the country. Besides, Hangzhou is also the most popular city. Quite a few visitors come to Hangzhou every year.   

I think San Ya is the best city in China because it has the most beautiful beaches, the cleanest water and the warmest weather in the country. You can eat the most delicious sea food here. You can also enjoy the sunshine most quietly in San Ya. 


Please write about your town / city and the best places / things there. 

Where do you live?

What are the best places / things there?

Why do you think they are the best?

... ... ...

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