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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 外研版八年級英語下冊 > 《It seemed that they were speaking to me in person》On the radio PPT課件(第1課時)

《It seemed that they were speaking to me in person》On the radio PPT課件(第1課時)

《It seemed that they were speaking to me in person》On the radio PPT課件(第1課時) 詳細介紹:

《It seemed that they were speaking to me in person》On the radio PPT課件(第1課時)《It seemed that they were speaking to me in person》On the radio PPT課件(第1課時)

外研版八年級英語下冊《It seemed that they were speaking to me in person》On the radio PPT課件(第1課時),共11頁。

►in person 親自;本人。相當于oneself。

eg:The director will talk with you in person.導演會親自和你談話的。

►look down 向下看,俯視

look down at sb./sth. 向下看……

eg:She stood on the bridge and looked down at ships.她站在橋上看船。


(1)job n.(可數),強調工作的性質,常指固定的,長期的工作。

eg:You must find a good job.你一定得找到一個好工作。

(2)work n.(不可數),指體力勞動或腦力勞動,常指具體的,某一件工作。

【拓展】work v.工作

work out 解決;算出;設計出

eg:I can work out the problem myself.我能自己解決這個問題。

►once a week 一周一次。常用how often 提問。

►look out of 向……外看

eg:He is looking out of the window.他在向窗外看。

►do research 做研究

eg:We are doing research on the space.我們在做有關太空的研究。

►close down 停止播放;停業;關閉

eg:It's time to close down.現在是停播時間。

►seem 的用法

seem v.似乎;好像

其結構為:(1)sb./sth. seem+adj.;(2)sb./sth. seem to do sth.;(3)It seems+that從句。

eg:He seems sad.=He seems to be sad.=It seems that he is sad.他似乎很傷心。

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