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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 外研版四年級英語上冊 >
  • 《Happy Halloween》PPT課件2

    《Happy Halloween》PPT課件2

    《Happy Halloween》PPT課件2 Look What festival? Halloween 萬圣節 Practice Read in roles. Growp Work A: Can I have some____? B: Yes of course. Here you are. /Sorry you cant. But you can have some____. ... ... ... Listen and saythen chant...

  • 《Happy Halloween》PPT課件

    《Happy Halloween》PPT課件

    《Happy Halloween》PPT課件 Can I have some______? Yes you can. Sorry you cant. Chant Trick or treat . Give me a sweet. Happy Halloween! Here are you sweets. ... ... ... Questions and answers 1. Can I come in ? Yes of course. 2. Can I ha...

  • 《Can I have some sweets?》PPT課件3

    《Can I have some sweets?》PPT課件3

    《Can I have some sweets?》PPT課件3 Noodles and rice are very very nice. Juice with ice is also very nice. Listen and tick What food does Amy want? soup( ) bread( ) sweets( ) cake( ) ... ... ... Listen and answer 1.whos on birthday? Amys...

  • 《Can I have some sweets?》PPT課件2

    《Can I have some sweets?》PPT課件2

    《Can I have some sweets?》PPT課件2 Can I have some sweets? Yes you can . Sorry you cant. Can I have some bread? Yes you can . Sorry you cant. Can I have some soup? Yes you can . Sorry you cant. ... ... ... 學一學: 問:Can I have so...

  • 《Can I have some sweets?》PPT課件

    《Can I have some sweets?》PPT課件

    《Can I have some sweets?》PPT課件 可數名詞(兩個或兩個以上可加S) apples bananas vegetables chocolates biscuits dumplings pears sweets oranges peanuts noodles rice fish soup bread fruit milk cake meat Listen and think 聽一聽,想一想 Today...

  • 《Can Sam play football?》PPT課件3

    《Can Sam play football?》PPT課件3

    《Can Sam play football?》PPT課件3 Listen and answer: Can Sam play football? Yes he can. Hes strong.(強壯的) Can Lingling play basketball? Yes she can. Shes tall. She is our star(明星). ... ... ... Activity5 ride a bike jump high jump fa...

  • 《Can Sam play football?》PPT課件2

    《Can Sam play football?》PPT課件2

    《Can Sam play football?》PPT課件2 Look ! I can play football skip play basketball ride a bike jump far read a book Listen and answer 1. Can ___ play football? Yes he can.He is strong. 2. Can ___ play basketball? Yes she can.Shes tall ....

  • 《Can Sam play football?》PPT課件

    《Can Sam play football?》PPT課件

    《Can Sam play football?》PPT課件 Lets say and do the actions. run run; jump jump; swim swim; skip skip; ride a bike ride a bike; read a book read a book; watch TV watch TV; take a picture take a picture. ... ... ... Lets chant. Ca...

  • 《Can you ran fast?》PPT課件6

    《Can you ran fast?》PPT課件6

    《Can you ran fast?》PPT課件6 Can you sing?你能唱歌嗎? They are_______. The birds can sing. The horse is running. The horse can run. LiuXiang can run fast The tiger is jumping. The tiger can jump. ... ... ... Ask and answer Hello Mr. Pig...

  • 《Can you ran fast?》PPT課件5

    《Can you ran fast?》PPT課件5

    《Can you ran fast?》PPT課件5 Can you run fast?Can you jump high? Sing a song: Can you throw high in the sky?in the sky?in the sky? Can you throw high in the sky? highhighhigh Can you throw very farvery farvery far? Can you throw very...

  • 《Can you ran fast?》PPT課件4

    《Can you ran fast?》PPT課件4

    《Can you ran fast?》PPT課件4 What are the birds doing? They are flying in the sky. They are flying so fast and so high . The elephant can draw pictures. What can you do? I can I cant can 能夠 cant = can not(不能,不會) ... ... ... 精講點...

  • 《Can you ran fast?》PPT課件3

    《Can you ran fast?》PPT課件3

    《Can you ran fast?》PPT課件3 He can run fast. Can you run fast? can 能夠 I can swim. I can play football. I can play basketball. can 能夠 cant = can not (不能,不會) ... ... ... Can you run fast? Yes I can. No I cant. Can you _____? Ye...

  • 《Can you ran fast?》PPT課件2

    《Can you ran fast?》PPT課件2

    《Can you ran fast?》PPT課件2 can 能夠 can + not = cant 不能,不會 I can swim. I cant swim. I can play football. I cant play football. I can play basketball. I cant play basketball. ... ... ... Can you run fast? Yes I can. No I cant. Ca...

  • 《Can you ran fast?》PPT課件

    《Can you ran fast?》PPT課件

    《Can you ran fast?》PPT課件 Lets chant Swim swim swim I can swim I can swim. Swim swim swim I am swimming now. Jump jump jump I can jump I can jump. Jump jump jump I am jumping now. Fly fly fly I can fly I can fly. Fly fly fly I am flying...

  • 《How much is it?》PPT課件4

    《How much is it?》PPT課件4

    《How much is it?》PPT課件4 I want to buy some_____. A: How much is it? B: Its _____ yuan. Can I help you? 我可以幫助你嗎? What are they doing? They are making dumplings. ... ... ... Listen and answer What food does she want? 她想要什么食...

  • 《How much is it?》PPT課件3

    《How much is it?》PPT課件3

    《How much is it?》PPT課件3 How much is it? Its ________ jiao. How much is it ? Its____yuan and _____jiao . How much is it? It's _________ yuan. how much和how many的區別 how many:對可數名詞提問,后接可數名詞復數形式。 how much:對不可數...

  • 《How much is it?》PPT課件2

    《How much is it?》PPT課件2

    《How much is it?》PPT課件2 How much is it? It's 5 yuan. The noodles is five yuan. How much is it? It's 4 yuan. The juice is four yuan. How much is it? It's 1 yuan. The egg is one yuan. ... ... ... A:How much is it? B:Ten yuan. A:Oh no!The...

  • 《How much is it?》PPT課件

    《How much is it?》PPT課件

    《How much is it?》PPT課件 make sentences(造句) noodles tomatoes eggs potatoes For example: --Do you want some noodles? --Yes please.\No thank you. ... ... ... Ask and answer How much is it? five yuan. How much is it? ten yuan. Look List...

  • 《Do you want some rice?》PPT課件4

    《Do you want some rice?》PPT課件4

    《Do you want some rice?》PPT課件4 Listen and answer the questens. 1. T: Does Amy want some rice? No thank you. 2. T: Does Amy want some noodles? Yesplease. 3. T: How does Daming ask? Do you want some? ... ... ... A : Do you want some __...

  • 《Do you want some rice?》PPT課件3

    《Do you want some rice?》PPT課件3

    《Do you want some rice?》PPT課件3 Chant: Noodles and rice are very very nice. Juice with ice is also very nice. Chinese fast food Chant: Fast food fast food Chinese fast food! A:Do you like________ ? BYes I do. No I don't. ... ... ....

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