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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 外研版四年級英語上冊 >
  • 《I

    《I've got a new friend》PPT課件3

    《I've got a new friend》PPT課件3 Listen and answer: 1. Whats the weather like in Beijing? It isnt cold. Its warm. 2. Lucy has got a new friend Zara. What has Amy got? Amy has got a new friend too. She is Lingling. 3. What about Lingling?...

  • 《I

    《I've got a new friend》PPT課件2

    《I've got a new friend》PPT課件2 He l_____ in Honkong. Lucy goes to L______. Here is a p_____ of Lucy. were/we/at/Buckingham/Palace. We were at Buckingham Palace. birthday/it/was/on/Saturday/my. It was my birthday on Saturday. ... ... ......

  • 《I

    《I've got a new friend》PPT課件

    《I've got a new friend》PPT課件 1. How old is Amy? She is ten now When will she be 11? She will be 11 next year. 2. Whats the weather like in Beijing? It isnt cold now. Its warm. 3. Lucy has got a new friend Zara. What has Amy got? Amy h...

  • 《It was my birthday on Saturday》PPT課件2

    《It was my birthday on Saturday》PPT課件2

    《It was my birthday on Saturday》PPT課件2 Game What are they doing? What is he doing? What is Amy doing? She is reading a letter. Pairwork A:What are you doing? B:I'm ... ... ... Listen and answer: Who is the letter from? The letter is fr...

  • 《It was my birthday on Saturday》PPT課件

    《It was my birthday on Saturday》PPT課件

    《It was my birthday on Saturday》PPT課件 Listen answer questions Q 1: What is Amy doing ? She is reading a letter. Q 2: Where does she live ? She lives in London. Q 3: Where is the letter from? It is from lucy. Q 4: Whats Lucys new friend...

  • 【目錄】外研版四年級英語上冊PPT課件



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