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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 外研版五年級英語下冊 >
  • 《Lunch is usually at half past twelve》PPT課件3

    《Lunch is usually at half past twelve》PPT課件3

    《Lunch is usually at half past twelve》PPT課件3 What did you eat on your birthday ? What does Daming usually have for dinner ? Daming usually has meal vegetables and rice for dinner. What does Daming have today ? Daming has noodles and a...

  • 《Lunch is usually at half past twelve》PPT課件2

    《Lunch is usually at half past twelve》PPT課件2

    《Lunch is usually at half past twelve》PPT課件2 Talk about you daily diet. (說說你自己的飲食情況) I usually have breakfast at 8 o'clock. Breakfast is usually at 8 o'clock. I usually have lunch at 12 o'clock. Lunch is usually at 12 o'clo...

  • 《Lunch is usually at half past twelve》PPT課件

    《Lunch is usually at half past twelve》PPT課件

    《Lunch is usually at half past twelve》PPT課件 Which country does the context introduce? A.the UK B.American True or false. (判斷正誤) 1. English people usually have breakfast at seven oclock.( ) 2. Lunch is usually atnine o'clock.half...

  • 《What did she have for lunch?》PPT課件4

    《What did she have for lunch?》PPT課件4

    《What did she have for lunch?》PPT課件4 Say a chant: Noodles and rice Noodles and rice are very very nice. Mmm mmm mmm! Veryvery nice. Ginger and spice are not very nice. No no no! Not very nice! Look and read noodles rice fish egg h...

  • 《What did she have for lunch?》PPT課件3

    《What did she have for lunch?》PPT課件3

    《What did she have for lunch?》PPT課件3 Look and say quickly 看圖快說單詞 noodles rice fish egg hamburger bread cake milk juice coffee biscuits cola ice cream crisps chips Whats your favourite food? Why? Because its ________. ... ... ......

  • 《What did she have for lunch?》PPT課件2

    《What did she have for lunch?》PPT課件2

    《What did she have for lunch?》PPT課件2 Listen and circle the food you hear rice fish and chips noodles sandwiches dumplings eggs and sausages Ask and Answer 1.What did she have for breakfast? She had eggs and sausages. 2.What did she hav...

  • 《What did she have for lunch?》PPT課件

    《What did she have for lunch?》PPT課件

    《What did she have for lunch?》PPT課件 Chinese traditional food: rice noodles English traditional food: Eggs and sausages sandwiches Fish and chipshamburgers 今天我們要學習描述飲食習慣。 結合學校干干凈凈每一天,學完之后,要制定一份健康每...

  • 《He worked in an office》PPT課件5

    《He worked in an office》PPT課件5

    《He worked in an office》PPT課件5 Answer questions: 1.Where did the girls grandpa work? He worked in an office. 2.Where did her grandma work? She worked in a factory. 3.Where do her parents work? Her mother works in a shop. Her father wor...

  • 《He worked in an office》PPT課件4

    《He worked in an office》PPT課件4

    《He worked in an office》PPT課件4 Listen and answer: Who is this man? He is his grandpa. What is he doing? He is fishing. What did he do before?/ What was he before? He was a train driver. What has he got? He has got a train. ... ... ......

  • 《He worked in an office》PPT課件3

    《He worked in an office》PPT課件3

    《He worked in an office》PPT課件3 Review Words: drive drove player Sentences: 1. What does he/she do now? What did he/she do before? 2. He was a flute player before he is a driver now. 3. My father is a doctor. ... ... ... My grandpa...

  • 《He worked in an office》PPT課件2

    《He worked in an office》PPT課件2

    《He worked in an office》PPT課件2 Whats my grandpa doing? Hes fishing. go fishing 去釣魚 What did my grandpa do? Where did he work? He worked on a train. ... ... ... Listen and find. How many people are there in her family? Where did my...

  • 《He worked in an office》PPT課件

    《He worked in an office》PPT課件

    《He worked in an office》PPT課件 Where did he/she work? school zoo shop hospital factory farm Look and say! She / He works in shop. She / He works in an office. She / He works in a hospital. ... ... ... Make a dialog! A: Where does she/he...

  • 《She was a driver before》PPT課件4

    《She was a driver before》PPT課件4

    《She was a driver before》PPT課件4 Free talk: (給新學期一個緩沖,讓學生拿出寒假拍的全家一起游玩或者聚會的照片,找一個英語比較好的學生和老師配合討論一下照片,然后小組內進行。讓學生慢慢進入學習狀態,也復習了過去式,為文本做一個鋪墊。) Who...

  • 《She was a driver before》PPT課件3

    《She was a driver before》PPT課件3

    《She was a driver before》PPT課件3 I went to my hometown. I read three books. I visited my grandpa with my father. I did my homework. I ate many delicious food. What about your Winter Holiday? Guess their jobs Teacher Fire fighter Doctor...

  • 《She was a driver before》PPT課件2

    《She was a driver before》PPT課件2

    《She was a driver before》PPT課件2 Brainstorm fireman 消防員 postman 郵遞員 policeman 警察 writer 作家 doctor 醫生 teacher 教師 nurse 護士 driver 司機 worker 工人 boss 老板 farmer 農民 Listen and circle. What was Linglings grandma? She wa...

  • 《She was a driver before》PPT課件

    《She was a driver before》PPT課件

    《She was a driver before》PPT課件 What is she? She is a teacher . What is she? She is a driver. What is he? He is a doctor. What is she? She is a nurse. ... ... ... 1.What was Linglings grandma before? Linglings grandma was a driver befor...

  • 【目錄】外研版五年級英語下冊PPT課件



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