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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 外研版八年級英語下冊 > 《We thought somebody was moving about》Time off PPT優質課件

《We thought somebody was moving about》Time off PPT優質課件

《We thought somebody was moving about》Time off PPT優質課件 詳細介紹:

《We thought somebody was moving about》Time off PPT優質課件《We thought somebody was moving about》Time off PPT優質課件

外研版八年級英語下冊《We thought somebody was moving about》Time off PPT優質課件,共17頁。

Language points

have a good/geat time (in) doing做某事很愉快

enjoy oneself=have fun

square kilometres平方千米

square n.廣場 Tiananmen Square

the shape of...的形狀

The pool was in the shape of a heart.

we thought somebody was moving about.

Lingling’s uncle said it was an animal.

we found it was just a hungry monkey.

It woke everybody up. 每個人都被吵醒了。

(1)wake up意為“叫醒”,  代詞放在兩詞中間, 若賓語是名詞, 則名詞可放在中間也可放在up后面。

The loud noise woke me up.

(2)wake up還可以作不及物動詞短語, 表示“醒來”。

I usually wake up at 7 o’clock. 


Her mother ______ ______ ___ at half past six every day. 

②別喊了, 否則你會把鄰居吵醒的。

Stop shouting, or you’ll ______ ______ the neighbours. 

定冠詞 the + 序數詞 + 最高級+名詞,表示“第幾……的”

the third longest river in the world 世界第三長河


Sanya is the second largest city in Hainan.

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