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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 外研版九年級英語上冊 > 《He was invited to competitions around the world》Sports life PPT精品課件

《He was invited to competitions around the world》Sports life PPT精品課件

《He was invited to competitions around the world》Sports life PPT精品課件 詳細介紹:

《He was invited to competitions around the world》Sports life PPT精品課件《He was invited to competitions around the world》Sports life PPT精品課件

外研版九年級英語上冊《He was invited to competitions around the world》Sports life PPT精品課件,共33頁。

Say what you know about Liu Xiang.

He is a sportsman.

sportsman [ˈspɔːtsmən] n. 運動員

He was famous for his high speed in hurdling.

hurdling [ˈhɜːdlɪŋ] n. 跨欄賽跑

the 110m hurdles race 110米跨欄比賽

Read carefully and answer the questions.

1. Why wasn’t Liu a successful sportsman at first?

2. What was the turning point in Liu’s life? 

3. Why did Liu Xiang hurt his foot? And what did he do after that?

4. Why do people continue to take pride in Liu Xiang although he didn’t win more medals?

Read carefully and answer the questions.

1. Why wasn’t Liu a successful sportsman at first? 

Liu Xiang was not a successful sportsman at first… he went to the Sports School… Liu was encouraged at first to train for the high jump. (Para.2)

2. What was the turning point in Liu’s life? 

His ability in hurdling was noticed by Sun Haiping in 1998.

In 1998, Liu Xiang’s ability in hurdling was noticed by Sun Haiping, who later became his coach. In 2001, a special programme was set up to help young sportsmen… Liu Xiang is among them. (Para.3)

3. Why did Liu Xiang hurt his foot? And what did he do after that?

Because he trained very hard. He didn’t give up. 

In fact, he trained so hard that he hurt his foot. From 2008 on, he suffered a lot from his foot problem, but he did not give up. (Para. 5)


1.What is the genre of the passage?

Tip: When we read a biography of a famous person, we should pay attention to the time line.

2.What is the structure of the passage?

3.What can you infer from the title of this unit?

Liu Xiang was so excellent.

4.Why can Liu Xiang be successful?

Talented; hard-working; helped by his coach and our country.

5.What can you learn from Liu Xiang?

To be successful, we should be hard-working, courageous, persistent …


1. 跟讀課后單詞并記憶;

2. 聽錄音,跟讀M8U2課文;

3. 寫一篇短文,介紹你最喜愛的體育明星,包括他/她的生平、經歷和你對他/她的評價。

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