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《Into the wild》PPT下載

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《Into the wild》PPT下載《Into the wild》PPT下載

外研版高中英語必修一《Into the wild》PPT下載,共17頁。

Learning  objectives

To learn the situation on pets in the UK by viewing a video.

To learn different kinds of relationships between people and animals.

To talk about your relationship with animals.


1. Do you have a pet? Name it and share your story.

2. In your opinion, what are the relationships between the people and the animals like?

friendly/harmonious (和諧的)




What other relationships between people and animals do you know besides pet owner and pet?

Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

What are the relationships between the people and the animals?

The pictures show different kinds of relationships between the people and the animals, namely pet owner and pet, blind people and guide dog (life assistant), horseman and horse (competition companion), owner and livestock.

What animals do you often interact with? What’s your relationship with them?


The relationship between humans, animals and plants

Human, animals and plants are created to have a good relationship with each other to make a better and beautiful life. Without animals and plants, humans cannot eat anything and probably we cannot live anymore. Without humans, some animals and plants also cannot live for long time because no one takes care of them. 

Therefore, we humans must protect animals and plants to grow up with us together. Currently, many animals are extinct because there are many reasons that make them live in short life such as being killed for people's collections or by stronger animals, pollution, natural disasters, the changes of weather. Therefore, many people are doing more work to help, take care, protect and prevent animals from being extinct.


Write a short passage to describe the relationships or daily activities between you and your (family) pet.

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