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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 外研版九年級英語下冊 > 《When is the school-leavers'party?》Eating together PPT課件2

《When is the school-leavers'party?》Eating together PPT課件2

《When is the school-leavers'party?》Eating together PPT課件2 詳細介紹:

《When is the school-leavers\party?》Eating together PPT課件2《When is the school-leavers\party?》Eating together PPT課件2《When is the school-leavers\party?》Eating together PPT課件2

《When is the school-leavers'party?》Eating together PPT課件2

Free talk

1. Do you like parties?

2. What kinds of parties do you know?

birthday party

Halloween party

garden party 

classmates’ party  

tea party  

farewell party (歡送會) 

... ... ...


1.When is your school-leaver’s party?

2. What would you like to do on that day?

3. If you are asked to prepare a traditional dish from your home country, what will you prepare?

invitation  邀請,請柬

calendar    日歷

balloon     氣球

paint        繪畫

heat        使變熱

heat up   給。。。。加熱

knife--- knives  小刀, 餐刀,刀具

fork        餐叉

spoon     匙, 勺子

cheeseburger 干酪漢堡包

Italian     意大利的,意大利語的,意大利人

... ... ...

被動語態:be + 過分

1 一般現在時:主語+am/is/ are +過分 

2 一般現在時:主語+was/ were +過分

3 一般將來時:主語+will + be +過分

balloons  calendar   fork  knife  paint  spoon

The day for the school-leavers’ party is an important date in the school _________. Tony is going to bring some _________ and _________

some pictures for the party. Everyone is going to bring a traditional dish that can be eaten with their fingers. Soup is no good because it is not finger food and people need a _________ for it. Anything that needs a __________ and _________ is not finger food either.

... ... ...

Everyday English

Read and make a dialogue with each one. 

1) A: I said hello to David, but he just kept silent. 

B: It's no good trying to talk to him when he is reading. 

2) A: I’m going to send a card to Mum on Mother’s Day. And you?

B: It’s a secret!

A: I’ve spent a whole night reviewing English. 

B: I see what you mean, but of course learning English takes time.

... ... ...

Work in pairs. 

Make plans for a party.

a. food and drink: 

finger food such as potato crisps, bread, fruits, vegetables like tomatoes and cucumber

soft drinks such as soda, coca-cola and so on

b. music and dancing:

music such as soft music or rock

c. Where: in the living room

d. When: from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Monday

e. Who: all the friends

... ... ...

Language points

1. You are invited to the …

invite  v. 邀請

I've invited the Smiths round for drinks next Friday. 


I want to invite you to my party on Friday.


invitation  n. 邀請;邀請函


invite + sb. + to do sth. 邀請某人做某事 

invite + sb. + to a place(指一個地方)邀請某人到某處

We invite her to have Thanksgiving dinner with us.  


We invited all our relatives to the wedding. 


... ... ...

2. The teachers have asked everyone to prepare a traditional dish from their home countries.

prepare  v. 準備

My mother is preparing dinner when I get home every day.



prepare, prepare for與 prepare to do sth. 的區別: 

①Her husband is preparing the food.


②Students are preparing for the test.


③They are busy preparing to go on holiday.


... ... ...

Practice  Translate the phrases and sentences.








8.不適合 _____________



關鍵詞:《When is the school-leavers'party?》教學課件,外研版九年級下冊英語課件,九年級英語幻燈片課件下載,《When is the school-leavers'party?》PPT課件下載,.ppt格式

《When is the school-leavers'party?》Eating together PPT課件2 下載地址:




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