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《The Zoo Is Open》Animals Are Our Friends PPT

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《The Zoo Is Open》Animals Are Our Friends PPT《The Zoo Is Open》Animals Are Our Friends PPT《The Zoo Is Open》Animals Are Our Friends PPT《The Zoo Is Open》Animals Are Our Friends PPT

《The Zoo Is Open》Animals Are Our Friends PPT

第一部分內容:Words and Expressions

danger n. 危險;風險

dangerous adj. 危險的

mainly adv. 主要地;首要地

bamboo n. 竹子

giraffe n. 長頸鹿

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The Zoo Is OpenPPT,第二部分內容:Objectives

To learn about the rules we should obey at the zoo

To use the words and expressions correctly:danger, dangerous, bamboo, giraffe, instead of

1. Have you visited a zoo?

2. What animals did you see in the zoo?

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The Zoo Is OpenPPT,第三部分內容:Read and answer.

1. Why can’t we take photos at the zoo?

2. Is there any pandas at the Edmonton Zoo? Why?

3. Do you agree with Danny that pandas could eat some grass instead of bamboo?

Fill in the blanks and try to retell the text.

It’s Saturday. Jenny, Danny and Brian go to the zoo. When they ________ the zoo, they see a sign at the entrance. It says “No photos!” Danny is confused. Brian tells him that maybe cameras will _____ the animals and make them ___________. Later Danny want to see the pandas. But Jenny says that there is no panda in Edmonton Zoo because they don’t have ____ bamboo in Edmonton. Danny says maybe the pandas could eat some grass _________ bamboo.

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The Zoo Is OpenPPT,第四部分內容:Language points

1. The zoo is open! 動物園開放啦!

open 開著的,營業的,辦公的,敞開的,開闊的

He slept in the room with the window open last night.

His coat was open. 


2. It’s nearly noon. 將近正午了。

nearly adv. “幾乎,差不多,將近” 

nearly 和almost都表示“幾乎,差不多”,



The wind was so strong that people were nearly blown away as they waited for buses.


We were late, and almost missed the train.


3. Wake up, Mr. Bear! 醒醒,熊先生!

wake up  喚醒,弄醒     

My mother wakes me up at six every morning. 


What time did you wake up this morning?


Please wake me up at five. 






Both of us are good at English.

Everyone has come. Let’s begin.


作定語時,有的修飾可數名詞,如many, few;有的修飾不可數名詞,如much, little;有的既可以修飾可數名詞又可以修飾不可數名詞,如some, any等。所以,我們應做好區分。

I have some bread.

There are many people here.


That’s all for today.

It’s too much for me.


You can only speak for yourself, not for others.

This one is too small. Please show me another.

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The Zoo Is OpenPPT,第五部分內容:practice

It’s polite to take __ flowers as a gift when you go to visit a friend.(2012貴州貴陽)

A. little             

B. any              

C. some

Fill in the blanks.

1. In time of war a soldier's life is full of d______. 

2. My l____ brother never cleans his room. 

3. I was _____ (幾乎) killed in the accident. 

4. Please _____ ____ _____ (不要拍照) at the zoo.

5. ______ __ doing it himself, he got a man to do it.

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The Zoo Is OpenPPT,第六部分內容:Homework 

1. Review Lesson 15. 

2. Write a story about your trip to the zoo.

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