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《Friends forever》單元要點回扣PPT

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《Friends forever》單元要點回扣PPT《Friends forever》單元要點回扣PPT《Friends forever》單元要點回扣PPT

《Friends forever》單元要點回扣PPT

第一部分內容:Ⅰ 重點單詞


1.①It is wise for China to take in the ______________ (advance) technology from some developed countries.

②There have been great _____________ (advance) in medicine in the last ten years.

③I’d appreciate it if you could let me know ______ advance whether or not you will come.

2.In a word, good listening can really enable us _____________ (get) closer to each other.

3.①Mom was usually busy tending ______ my younger sisters.

②Which sleeping position shows that the sleeper tends _____________ (seek) perfection?

4.①With her _________________ (encourage), I decided to seize the chance.

②My teacher encouraged me _____________ (take) a summer course to improve my writing skills.

5.①He was angry, but he listened to me ___________ (patient).

②Success partly depends on whether you have the _____________ (patient) to do simple things perfectly.

6.①She is anxious _________ (go) to college now,but anxious_____________ not passing the 2020 College Entrance Examination.

②(2018•天津卷) _____________ (anxious) I went to bed dreaming about what I would find at the top of this magical mountain.

③When I entered the room, she was waiting with _____________ (anxious) by the phone.

7.The play ______ (set) in the early days of World War Two is popular with the old people.

8.①(牛津詞典)I had the good fortune _____________ (choose) for a trip abroad. 

②He was _____________ (fortune) enough to make a fortune by lottery. 

... ... ...

Friends forever PPT,第二部分內容:Ⅱ 重點短語


1. ____________  失去聯系

2. ____________  由于,幸虧

3. ___________________  與……保持聯系

4. ____________  正在忙于(做)某事

5. ____________  記住

6. ____________  渴望

7. ____________  設置(戲劇、小說等)

8. ____________  (意外地或終于)出現


1. ____________ your help, we finished the task in time.

2. ____________ that the bank will be closed tomorrow.

3.In my opinion, he is not really ____________ the job.

4.Freedom is perhaps what we all ____________.

5.We used to be friends, but ________________ each other afterwards.

... ... ...

Friends forever PPT,第三部分內容:Ⅲ 重點句型


Whatever our hobbies, the Internet can connect us with others who also enjoy doing them, even if they live on the other side of the world.

[仿寫] 不管人生中遇到什么困難,你都應該內心保持信心。

__________________________________________, you should always keep confidence inside.


This makes it clear to the other person that you are giving them a choice.

[仿寫] 新的法律使我們生活在無煙環境中成為可能。

The new law ____________________________without smoking.

... ... ...

Friends forever PPT,第四部分內容:Ⅳ 單元語法


1.Do you know the man? The man spoke to the headmaster just now.

→Do you know the man _________________________________

2.I have seen the film. They’re talking about the film.

→I have seen the film ________________________________.

3.The book was written by Mark Twain. He was a famous American writer.

→The book was written by Mark Twain ____________________________.

4.Last week Mary wore the dress. I gave it to her.

→Last week Mary wore the dress ________________________.

5.The girl is from America. Her father is a Chinese.

→The girl ____________________________ is from America.

6.My grandparents live in a house. It is more than 100 years old.

→My grandparents live in a house _______________________________.

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