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《The Internet》SectionⅠ PPT課件

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《The Internet》SectionⅠ PPT課件《The Internet》SectionⅠ PPT課件《The Internet》SectionⅠ PPT課件

《The Internet》SectionⅠ PPT課件



No cyber security, no national security.


I am convinced that human is able to use Internet properly and scientifically.


I believe I can use the Internet very well as long as I know how to control myself.


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The Internet,第二部分內容:聽說一題突破

1.Translate the following words and phrases.

①blog  n.____________vi.____________②blogger n. _______________

③engine n. ______________________④chat vi.  ____________

⑤stream   v.____________n.____________⑥identity n.  ____________  

⑦blog post  _______________⑧search engine   ____________  

⑨identity card   ____________

2.Brainstorming:What online activities do you like to do?

3.Look at the picture and finish Ex.1 on Page 26.

1.Writing—Guess how the words in italics are defined.

A.Use simpler words.     B.Use an example.   C.Compare to something.

(1)____ The keyboard is a device used to input text into a computer or other device.

(2)____ The shops on the Internet, for example taobao.com, 360buy.com are open for almost 24 hours a day, so we can buy something we want at any time.

(3)____ Cyberspace refers to the virtual computer world, or a global computer network for online communication.

(4)____ Life is just like a box.Inside it are happiness and sorrow, failure and success, hope and despair.

2.Finish Ex.4 on Page 27.

3.Pronunciation—Underline the words that are stressed.

①The streets are wide and clean.

②I am so glad to see you again.

③We saw him playing by the river.

④On my way to school,my bike was broken.

⑤He ought to have asked me if I could have given him a few of the tickets.

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The Internet,第三部分內容:語言知識積累

在英語聽力中,你常會聽到一些你不懂的單詞,但這些單詞有時會在下面的句子中通過一些下定義的詞匯來說明它們的意思。常見的下定義的詞有:be,that is,it’s like,for example, refer to等。








[名師提醒] 人稱代詞、連詞等一般不重讀,但在特定情景中,也需要重讀。如人稱代詞作并列主語或賓語時需重讀,句首的介詞也需要重讀,作主語或賓語的指示代詞也需要重讀。

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The Internet,第四部分內容:language focus

chat vi.聊天;閑聊

chat online 網上聊天 (教材P26)

 [合作探究] 體會chat的用法和意義

James likes chatting with his classmates during breaks between classes.


The two friends sat in a corner and chatted about their new school life.


On the net, we can even do shopping, have a chat with others and make friends with them.在網上,我們甚至可以購物、與他人聊天,并與他們交朋友。


①chat ____________ sb 與某人聊天

②chat ____________  談論;閑聊

③have a chat with sb  與某人聊天

[鞏固內化] 補全句子

①I shared my favorite books and ______________________________________.


②Besides,I often __________________________________________________.


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