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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 人教版高中英語必修二 >
  • 《Music》PPT免費課件


    人教版高中英語必修二《Music》PPT免費課件,共15頁。 Pre-reading sends a message to audience. The goal of a speech is to connect with the audience, to attract them and finally to influence them. A good speech focuses on one topic has a clear...

  • 《Music》PPT精品課件


    人教版高中英語必修二《Music》PPT精品課件,共15頁。 1. Virtual adj. 接近的;事實上的;虛擬的 1. Some species are nearing virtual extinction. 一些物種瀕臨滅絕。 2. The country was sliding into a state of virtual civil war. 該國實際上正逐漸進...

  • 《Music》PPT下載


    人教版高中英語必修二《Music》PPT下載,共 Lead-in Try to find something different in the choir. People sing together in different places. People of different ages join in the performance. Reading Scan and circle the information in the text....

  • 《History and Traditions》PPT教學課件

    《History and Traditions》PPT教學課件

    人教版高中英語必修二《History and Traditions》PPT教學課件,共15頁。 Learning objectives To introduce the traditions of a country / city / village. To talk about what aspects we should consider when we introduce a place. Look at the poster...

  • 《History and Traditions》PPT下載

    《History and Traditions》PPT下載

    人教版高中英語必修二《History and Traditions》PPT下載,共11頁。 What do you know about the buildings in the photo above? the Palace of Westminster the Thames the Westminster Bridge Guess the meaning of the following sentences. Teach studen...

  • 《The Internet》PPT下載

    《The Internet》PPT下載

    人教版高中英語必修二《The Internet》PPT下載,共17頁。 What is a blog post ? A blog post is an entry (article) that you write on a blog. It can include content in the form of text, photos, infographics (信息圖), or videos. Read through the...

  • 《The Internet》PPT課件

    《The Internet》PPT課件

    人教版高中英語必修二《The Internet》PPT課件,共16頁。 Lead-in It means the Internet has made the world closer together; we can interact on the Internet just like meeting at the square. Before Listening When and why do you begin to use the...

  • 《Wildlife Protection》PPT教學課件

    《Wildlife Protection》PPT教學課件

    人教版高中英語必修二《Wildlife Protection》PPT教學課件,共14頁。 Lead-in What will happen if people can make huge profit from it ? They will be hunted illegally for their valuable parts of body. Its high time to emphasize wildlife protecti...

  • 《Wildlife Protection》PPT下載

    《Wildlife Protection》PPT下載

    人教版高中英語必修二《Wildlife Protection》PPT下載,共13頁。 Lead-in Discuss the questions and listen. What message do these posters share? Which one moves you the most? Why? Read for structure The writer visited Changtang in order to obse...

  • 《Wildlife Protection》PPT課件

    《Wildlife Protection》PPT課件

    人教版高中英語必修二《Wildlife Protection》PPT課件,共21頁。 Learning objectives To read to know what a rescue center is and how it works. To read to know what people do to help the homeless animals. To think about your own ways to help th...

  • 《Cultural Heritage》PPT教學課件

    《Cultural Heritage》PPT教學課件

    人教版高中英語必修二《Cultural Heritage》PPT教學課件,共15頁。 Listening and Speaking Listen to the conversation and choose the main idea. A. Students from different countries are working creatively to protect a temple in China. B. Youths...

  • 《Cultural Heritage》PPT下載

    《Cultural Heritage》PPT下載

    人教版高中英語必修二《Cultural Heritage》PPT下載,共17頁。 knowledge-activating Where are they from? How would you feel if we lost all these cultural heritage? problems-exploring What do the problems refer to? Why did the Egyptian governme...

  • 《Cultural Heritage》PPT課件

    《Cultural Heritage》PPT課件

    人教版高中英語必修二《Cultural Heritage》PPT課件,共16頁。 The Kremlin and Red Square The Kremlin which dates to 1156 but occupies a site used for far longer, was the center of the Russian. With nearly a dozen palaces and churches, the Kre...

  • 《Music》Using Language PPT課件

    《Music》Using Language PPT課件

    人教版高中英語必修二《Music》Using Language PPT課件,共29頁。 學習目標 1. Try to make students know some knowledge about different types of music. 2. To help the students learn how to ask for advice . 3. Train the students reading ability....

  • 《Music》Language points PPT課件

    《Music》Language points PPT課件

    人教版高中英語必修二《Music》Language points PPT課件,共35頁。 重點解析 1. pretend vt.vi.假裝;假扮 歸納拓展 pretend to do sth. 假裝做某事 pretend to be doing sth. 假裝在做某事 pretend to have done 假裝做過某事 pretend to be sb./sth. 假裝...

  • 《Music》Grammar PPT課件

    《Music》Grammar PPT課件

    人教版高中英語必修二《Music》Grammar PPT課件,共24頁。 自主學習反饋 Underline the attributive clauses in the text that contain 1.Have you ever dreamed of playing in front of thousands of people at a concert, at which everyone is clapping a...

  • 《Music》Reading PPT課件

    《Music》Reading PPT課件

    人教版高中英語必修二《Music》Reading PPT課件,共26頁。 學習目標 1. Learn some useful expressions. 2. Try to get the main idea of the passage and improve the reading ability. 新課講解 Reading Skimming Answer the questions: 1.How many band a...

  • 《Music》PPT課件(第2課時)


    人教版高中英語必修二《Music》PPT課件(第2課時),共35頁。 新課講解 詞匯 1. addition n. 加;增加;加法 He is good at addition. 他擅長加法。 The new baby is an addition to this family. 這個新生兒是這個家庭的新成員。 拓展: in addition= as well...

  • 《Music》PPT課件(第1課時)


    人教版高中英語必修二《Music》PPT課件(第1課時),共46頁。 學習目標 1.深入理解課文,培養快速閱讀,整體理解的能力。 2.自主學習,合作探究:通過對門基樂隊發展歷史的學習,增加對閱讀文章的理解。 3.通過學習文章了解更多的音樂種類和樂隊類型,激發學生...

  • 《History and Traditions》PPT課件(第4課時)

    《History and Traditions》PPT課件(第4課時)

    人教版高中英語必修二《History and Traditions》PPT課件(第4課時),共65頁。 Learning objectives At this class, you will be able to obtain key information on Pingyao from the listening material; infer the speakers feelings; role-play a convers...

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