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《Daming wasn't chosen for the team last time》Sports life PPT免費課件

《Daming wasn't chosen for the team last time》Sports life PPT免費課件 詳細介紹:

《Daming wasn\t chosen for the team last time》Sports life PPT免費課件《Daming wasn\t chosen for the team last time》Sports life PPT免費課件

外研版九年級英語上冊《Daming wasn't chosen for the team last time》Sports life PPT免費課件,共25頁。

New words and expressions

stand for  是…的縮寫

memory  記憶;回憶 n. 

point  比分 n.

decision  決定 n. 

exercise  (辯解的)理由

Listening and vocabulary

Work in pairs. Look at the picture and describe it.

Listen and complete the sentences.

1.Tony’s basketball matches are held________ Saturday.

2.If a school team in Beijing wins its match or  scores over_______ points in a match, it can play in the competition.

3.Tony’s team BIG stands for Beijing  ______________Giants.

4.BIG’s________ think they are fantastic.

Language points

1. You look tired. 你看起來很累。

look 連系動詞 + adj. 形容詞 “看起來…”

常見連系動詞: look / taste / sound / smell / 

feel / seem / become / get / turn等。

The meat smells _____. Don’t eat it.

A.  good         B.  bad       C.  badly

2. Who are you playing against?  和誰比賽?

against prep.  “與…對抗” 

be against:表示 “反對” be for “贊成”

We are fighting against the enemy.


Which team will you play against?


I sat against the wall. 


No one is against this idea. 


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