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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 外研版九年級英語上冊 > 《Will books be replaced by the Internet?》Great inventions PPT優質課件

《Will books be replaced by the Internet?》Great inventions PPT優質課件

《Will books be replaced by the Internet?》Great inventions PPT優質課件 詳細介紹:

《Will books be replaced by the Internet?》Great inventions PPT優質課件《Will books be replaced by the Internet?》Great inventions PPT優質課件

外研版九年級英語上冊《Will books be replaced by the Internet?》Great inventions PPT優質課件,共39頁。

New words and expressions

printing n. 印刷 

development n. 進步, 發展

trade n. 買賣;交易

spread v. 擴展;蔓延;傳播

connection n. 電話連接;計算機網絡連接 

Watch the flash and answer the questions.

1. What does his mother do at home every evening?

She looks through magazines.

2. When was paper first created?

About 2,000 years ago.

Summarize the key phrases.

瀏覽雜志 look through the magazines

結果 as a result

每次,一次 at a time

用手,靠手做 by hand

在某種程度上 in a way

把…比作… compare…to…

大量的 a large amount of

多種多樣的形式 varied forms

讓我們等著瞧。Let’s wait and see.

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