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《They sometimes work harder》Life now and then PPT免費課件

《They sometimes work harder》Life now and then PPT免費課件 詳細介紹:

《They sometimes work harder》Life now and then PPT免費課件《They sometimes work harder》Life now and then PPT免費課件

外研版九年級英語下冊《They sometimes work harder》Life now and then PPT免費課件,共19頁。









1. Talk about the photo. Say what life was like in the early 1980s and what life is like today.

There weren’t so many cars as there are today.與...一樣

The road is much wider than 1980s.

The buildings now are taller than 1980s.


Read the paragraph in Activity 5 aloud.

Work in pairs. Answer the question and give your reasons.

- Is life better today than in the past?

-Yes, it is. I think it’s better because... / No, it isn’t. I think...

Now say what is better or worse in:

● education ● environment ● health



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