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《I think life is better today》Life now and then PPT課件(第2課時)

《I think life is better today》Life now and then PPT課件(第2課時) 詳細介紹:

《I think life is better today》Life now and then PPT課件(第2課時)《I think life is better today》Life now and then PPT課件(第2課時)

外研版九年級英語下冊《I think life is better today》Life now and then PPT課件(第2課時),共17頁。

What's more意為“并且;更有甚者”,常常用于對剛說過的話作進一步補充。

eg:The books are very good.What's more,they are not very expensive.這些書很好,而且價格也不貴。

married 形容詞,意為“已婚的,結婚的”。

【拓展】①其動詞形式為marry,“與某人結婚”應用marry sb. 或be/get married to sb. ,不能用with sb.。

eg:He was married to a doctor.他和一個醫生結婚了。


eg:They have been married for ten years.他們已經結婚十年了。

be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事

be busy with sth. 忙于某事

eg:Mr Liu is busy washing his car.劉先生正忙著洗車。

Tom was busy with his homework at that time.那時湯姆正忙著做家庭作業。

generally speaking意為“一般而言;總的來說”,與in general同義。

eg:Generally speaking,we enjoyed the trip.總的說來,我們很享受這次旅行。

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