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《Why don't you talk to your parents?》SectionB PPT教學課件(第2課時)

《Why don't you talk to your parents?》SectionB PPT教學課件(第2課時) 詳細介紹:

《Why don\t you talk to your parents?》SectionB PPT教學課件(第2課時)《Why don\t you talk to your parents?》SectionB PPT教學課件(第2課時)

人教版八年級英語下冊《Why don't you talk to your parents?》SectionB PPT教學課件(第2課時),共33頁。


To read the article to learn the common problem for Chinese and American families.

To learn new words: opinion, skill, typical, football, quick, continue, crazy, push, development, cause, usual, cut out, compare...with...

Words and expressions

opinion  n. 意見;想法;看法

skill  n. 技藝;技巧

typical  adj. 典型的

football  n. (美式)橄欖球;足球

cut out  刪除;刪去

quick  adj. 快的;迅速的;時間短暫的

continue  v. 持續;繼續存在

Read the article and answer the questions.

1. What is the common problem for many students these days?

2. Who gives their opinions about the problem?


Now more and more children are having different kinds of after-school classes. As a middle school student, what do you think of it? Make a survey and have a debate. 

Language points

1. Maybe I could cut out a few of their activities… 

此處cut out 是一個短語動詞,表示“刪除;剪下”或是“停止;戒除”等。再如:

Don’t cut your parents out of your lives.


If you cut out the drinking, you’d feel much 

healthier. 如果你戒酒,就會覺得身體好很多。

2. And they are always comparing them with other children.

be always doing sth. 意為“總是做某事”




He was always asking his parents for money.

3. People shouldn’t push their kids so hard.


動詞push 有“推;推動”的意思, 如:

Don’t push this door, you have to pull it open.


本單元中,push 表示“ 使(某人)努力;鞭策;督促”,其后賓語可以是別人或自己。

The math teacher really pushes his students. That’s why they don’t like him that much.  那位數學老師確實對學生鞭策過多了,這就是他們不那么喜歡他的原因。


have afer-school lessons

hang out with friends

compete with…

football training

cut out


too much pressure


Read 2b carefully and write the phrases in 2b. 

Write a short passage to introduce how you relax after school.

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