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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 人教版八年級英語下冊 > 《I've had this bike for three years》SectionB PPT教學課件(第3課時)

《I've had this bike for three years》SectionB PPT教學課件(第3課時)

《I've had this bike for three years》SectionB PPT教學課件(第3課時) 詳細介紹:

《I\ve had this bike for three years》SectionB PPT教學課件(第3課時)《I\ve had this bike for three years》SectionB PPT教學課件(第3課時)

人教版八年級英語下冊《I've had this bike for three years》SectionB PPT教學課件(第3課時),共27頁。


To learn to talk about things from childhood and write a short passage. 

To review the Present Perfect Tense.

Think about your favorite thing from childhood which you still have. For example, it can be a toy or a book. Then take notes using the questions.

1. How long have you had it?

2. How did you get it? Did someone give it to you? Who?

3. Why do you like it so much? Why is it special?

4. Can you say anything more  about it?


My favorite thing from childhood is a toy car. I have had it for 6 years. My father gave it to me when I was five years old. 

I like it so much because I played with it every day until I went to school.

It’s special to me because it was my fifth birthday gift that my father bought.

The toy car has given me many memories. I remember when I was seven I still played with it. I would never go to bed without it. One day I couldn’t find it after I returned home from school. I asked my parents to help me find it. We looked for it everywhere until my mother found it under my bed. 

My favorite thing from childhood is my teddy bear. I’ve had it since I was five years old. My grandmother gave it to me on my birthday.

I like the teddy bear so much because it’s dressed in my favorite color. It’s special to me because my grandmother made it for me. 

I think I will keep it forever to remind me of my grandmother.

The teddy bear has given me many good memories. I remember when I was young and I was scared at night because I didn’t like the dark, I held my teddy bear to feel safe.


Write a short passage about your favorite thing, use the useful sentences in 3b.

Remember the words, phrases and sentences in this unit.

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