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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 人教版九年級英語下冊 > 《We're trying to save the earth!》SectionB PPT課件下載(第1課時)

《We're trying to save the earth!》SectionB PPT課件下載(第1課時)

《We're trying to save the earth!》SectionB PPT課件下載(第1課時) 詳細介紹:

《We\re trying to save the earth!》SectionB PPT課件下載(第1課時)《We\re trying to save the earth!》SectionB PPT課件下載(第1課時)

人教版九年級英語下冊《We're trying to save the earth!》SectionB PPT課件下載(第1課時),共28頁。


To master the key words and phrases: recycle, napkin...

To talk about saving the earth and improve speaking and listening skills.

To realize the importance of protecting the earth and to do things to save the earth. 

Look and say

What can we do to help save the earth?

stop riding in cars

recycle books and paper

turn off the lights when you leave a room

turn off the shower while you’re washing your hair

don’t use paper napkin

Read the sentences. 

Julia should turn off the lights when she leaves a room.

Julia would never turn off the shower while she is washing her hair.

Julia will  take her own bags when shopping.

Julia wouldn’t stop riding in cars  and start riding  bikes.

Language points

Recycling paper is really easy. 

recycle 作動詞,意為“回收利用;再利用”,過去式為recycled,過去分詞為recycled,現在分詞為 recycling,第三人稱單數為recycles。如:

Chemical constantly circulate or recycle in the system.  化學物質在系統中不斷循環或回流。

The sole reason the Recycle Bin exists is to implement an undo facility for deleted files. 回收站存在的唯一理由就是實現文件刪除的撤銷工具。


1. stop riding in cars  停止乘小汽車

2. recycle books and paper   回收書籍、紙張 

3. turn off the lights  關燈  

4. turn off the shower 關上淋浴頭

5. Don’t use paper napkins.  不要用紙巾

6. take buses instead of driving cars.乘公交車而不是開車


How can we live a low carbon life? What other things can we do in our daily life to protect the environment? Please think and write some sentences.

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