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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 人教版八年級英語下冊 > 《What were you doing when the rainstorm came?》PPT課件4

《What were you doing when the rainstorm came?》PPT課件4

《What were you doing when the rainstorm came?》PPT課件4 詳細介紹:

《What were you doing when the rainstorm came?》PPT課件4《What were you doing when the rainstorm came?》PPT課件4

《What were you doing when the rainstorm came?》PPT課件4





Free tallk 

Look at the picture and talk about what they were doing when the plane hit the World Trade Center.

What was/were sb. doing when the plane hit World Trade Center?

... ... ...


3a Make notes about an event you remember well.

What was the event?

When did it happen?

Where did it happen?

What were you doing?

What were your friends doing?

Why was it important?

Why do you remember this event?

... ... ...

After reading:

Do you have any unforgettable (難忘的) events in your life?

Your parents bought you a new computer/...

You passed an exam.

You got a letter from your best friend/...

Your photo was put in the newspaper/on...

You had a baby sister/ brother.

Your father/ mother got badly ill.

Your parents argued.


... ... ...


1. 概念: 表示過去某個時刻或過去一段時 間正在進行的動作。

2. 句子結構: 主語 + was/were + doing sth. + 時間狀語

3. 時間狀語詞: at 5:00 yesterday afternoon, at that time, then 等連用, 或者用另一動作來表示過去的時間。如:

They were playing basketball when she arrived.

While they were playing basketball, she arrived.



... ... ...

when, while


1. 由when引導的時間狀語從句,主句用過   去進行時,從句應用一般過去時;


When the teacher came in, we were talking. 


While we were talking, the teacher came in. 

2. 如果從句和主句的動作同時發生,兩句都用過去進行時的時候,多用while引導。如: 

They were singing while we were dancing. 

... ... ...


1. I _________ my homework when Mike ______ last night.


2. While Ann ____________ TV, her father _______ home.


3. What were you doing when I ________ at the door?


4. She ______________ the room when I ______ to see her.


... ... ...


1. What were you doing at eight last night?I was taking a shower.

2. He was reading in the library when the rainstorm came.

3. While Linda was sleeping, Jenny was helping Mary with her homework.


1. _____ I was walking home from school, I saw a strange light in the sky. But _____ I pointed it out to my friend, it went away.

2. ______ I told my older brother about the strange light in the sky, he just laughed and didn’t believe me.

3. ______ my brother was laughing, the television news reported that other people had seen the light as well.


1.______ May was talking on the phone, her sister walked in. 

2.______ Rita bought her new dog, it was wearing  a little coat.

3.______ I saw Carlos, he was wearing a green shirt.

4.______ I was dancing, he was singing loudly.

5. ______ Linda finally saw Davy , he was jumping with a dog .

6. I was cleaning my room ________ the fire broke out .

... ... ...

關鍵詞:《What were you doing when the rainstorm came?》教學課件,人教版八年級下冊英語課件,八年級英語幻燈片課件下載,《What were you doing when the rainstorm came?》PPT課件下載,.ppt格式

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