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《We toured the city by bus and by taxi》Travel PPT課件(第1課時)

《We toured the city by bus and by taxi》Travel PPT課件(第1課時) 詳細介紹:

《We toured the city by bus and by taxi》Travel PPT課件(第1課時)《We toured the city by bus and by taxi》Travel PPT課件(第1課時)

外研版九年級英語下冊《We toured the city by bus and by taxi》Travel PPT課件(第1課時),共9頁。

be full of意為“裝滿······;充滿······”,其同義短語為be filled with。

【拓展】be filled with的主動語態為:fill...with...,意為“用······裝滿”。

【辨析】because of與because


②because of為介詞短語,其后通常接名詞、代詞或動名詞。

eg:He didn't come here because of his illness.由于生病,他沒來這兒。


eg:He didn't come here because he was ill.

a bit意為“有點兒;一點兒”,相當于a little bit/a little。

eg:Your article is a bit long.你的文章長了一點兒。

【辨析】a little與a bit


eg:He is a little/a bit older than you.他比你稍大一點兒。


eg:Please give me a bit/a little.請給我一點兒吧。

③兩者前置修飾名詞時,a little后可直接接名詞,a bit必須加of后才能接名詞。

eg:a little money=a bit of money一點兒錢

【注意】①not a little意為“很;非常”,相當于very(much)。

②not a bit意為“根本不;一點兒也不”,相當于not...at all。

【辨析】on time與in time

①on time意為“準時;按時”,指正好在約定的時間發生。

②in time意為“及時”,指在事情發生的時間之前發生。

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