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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 人教版九年級英語下冊 >
  • 《I like music that I can dance to》SectionB PPT課件

    《I like music that I can dance to》SectionB PPT課件

    人教版九年級英語下冊《I like music that I can dance to》SectionB PPT課件,共27頁。 學習目標 1.鞏固學習that等引導定語從句,拓展前面聽力輸入和口語輸出內容; 2.運用that/which/who引導的定語從句來談論自己在樂隊,書籍,電影等方面的個人愛好。 3....

  • 《I like music that I can dance to》SectionA PPT課件

    《I like music that I can dance to》SectionA PPT課件

    人教版九年級英語下冊《I like music that I can dance to》SectionA PPT課件,共15頁。 Lead-in When I am sad/happy/tired , I like to watch ... that ... Because they make me feel ... Skimming Read the passage quickly and fill in the chart. I li...

  • 《It must belong to Carla》PPT教學課件(第3課時)

    《It must belong to Carla》PPT教學課件(第3課時)

    人教版九年級英語下冊《It must belong to Carla》PPT教學課件(第3課時),共26頁。 Learning goals At the end of this period, youll be able to 1. write an essay to introduce a place; 2. use linking words properly in writing to achieve coherence....

  • 《It must belong to Carla》PPT教學課件(第2課時)

    《It must belong to Carla》PPT教學課件(第2課時)

    人教版九年級英語下冊《It must belong to Carla》PPT教學課件(第2課時),共36頁。 Learning goals At the end of this period, youll be able to 1. read for main ideas; 2. read for opinions; 3. write a follow-up story. Warming up How do you feel w...

  • 《It must belong to Carla》PPT教學課件(第1課時)

    《It must belong to Carla》PPT教學課件(第1課時)

    人教版九年級英語下冊《It must belong to Carla》PPT教學課件(第1課時),共32頁。 Learning goals At the end of this period, youll be able to make inferences by using must, might, could, cant; make predictions based on picture prompts; talk abo...

  • 《It must belong to Carla》SectionB PPT下載(第2課時)

    《It must belong to Carla》SectionB PPT下載(第2課時)

    人教版九年級英語下冊《It must belong to Carla》SectionB PPT下載(第2課時),共34頁。 學習目標 通過分析閱讀文本,能夠總結提取出文章框架、擴充內容并起草作文。 通過小組討論,能夠樂于與同伴分享自己的觀點,接納建議并修改作文,提高寫作的自我效能感...

  • 《It must belong to Carla》SectionB PPT下載(第1課時)

    《It must belong to Carla》SectionB PPT下載(第1課時)

    人教版九年級英語下冊《It must belong to Carla》SectionB PPT下載(第1課時),共27頁。 學習目標 通過觀察圖片,能夠使用情態動詞must, could, might, cant 對正在發生的動作作出推斷。 通過連接已知經驗,能夠預測聽力內容,聽懂相關話題的簡短對話,提高...

  • 《It must belong to Carla》SectionA PPT下載(第2課時)

    《It must belong to Carla》SectionA PPT下載(第2課時)

    人教版九年級英語下冊《It must belong to Carla》SectionA PPT下載(第2課時),共15頁。 Review Whose book is it? It must be Stella's. It must belong to Stella. It can't be Tony's. It can't belong to Tony. Because there is a name written on it....

  • 《It must belong to Carla》SectionA PPT下載(第1課時)

    《It must belong to Carla》SectionA PPT下載(第1課時)

    人教版九年級英語下冊《It must belong to Carla》SectionA PPT下載(第1課時),共25頁。 Teaching aims: 1.學習詞匯:whose、truck、rabbit、picnic、belong to 2.學習句型: A: Whose ...is this? B: It must/could/may/might/can't be Linda's. C: It must...

  • 《It must belong to Carla》PPT下載(第2課時)

    《It must belong to Carla》PPT下載(第2課時)

    人教版九年級英語下冊《It must belong to Carla》PPT下載(第2課時),共48頁。 Learning Objectives By the end of this period, youll be able to: read for main ideas; read for opinions; write a follow-up story. While-reading Choose the best title...

  • 《It must belong to Carla》PPT下載(第1課時)

    《It must belong to Carla》PPT下載(第1課時)

    人教版九年級英語下冊《It must belong to Carla》PPT下載(第1課時),共34頁。 Learning Objectives By the end of this period, youll be able to: make inferences by using must, might, could, cant; make predictions based on picture prompts; talk...

  • 《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7》PPT習題課件(第4課時)

    《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7》PPT習題課件(第4課時)

    人教版九年級英語下冊《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7》PPT習題課件(第4課時),共29頁。 課內基礎自測 Ⅰ. 根據句意及漢語提示寫出所缺的單詞 1.She has a firstclass ________(大腦) and is a good writer. 2.[2017萊蕪]You should choose __...

  • 《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7》PPT習題課件(第3課時)

    《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7》PPT習題課件(第3課時)

    人教版九年級英語下冊《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7》PPT習題課件(第3課時),共13頁。 課內基礎自測 Ⅰ. 根據句意及漢語提示寫出所缺的單詞 1.The manager has promised to __________(增加) wages. 2.All the drivers agree that safety is...

  • 《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7》PPT習題課件(第2課時)

    《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7》PPT習題課件(第2課時)

    人教版九年級英語下冊《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7》PPT習題課件(第2課時),共29頁。 課內基礎自測 Ⅰ.根據句意及漢語提示寫出所缺的單詞 1.Their house is very similar to ________ (我們的). 2.Don't give up your dream. Believe in y...

  • 《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7》PPT習題課件(第1課時)

    《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7》PPT習題課件(第1課時)

    人教版九年級英語下冊《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7》PPT習題課件(第1課時),共25頁。 課內基礎自測 Ⅰ.根據句意及漢語提示寫出所缺的單詞 1.We are doing a ________(調查) about how to study for a test. 2.The boys and girls are stand...

  • 《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7》SectionB PPT課件

    《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7》SectionB PPT課件

    人教版九年級英語下冊《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7》SectionB PPT課件,共42頁。 課前自主預習 單詞闖關 1.經理;經營者 n. ________ (同根詞)經營;管理 v.________ 2.祝賀 v. _________(派生詞)祝賀 n. _________ 3.感謝的;感激的 adj....

  • 《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7》SectionA PPT課件

    《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7》SectionA PPT課件

    人教版九年級英語下冊《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7》SectionA PPT課件,共36頁。 課前自主預習 單詞闖關 1.調查 n. ________ 2.方法;措施 n. ________ 3.指示;命令 n. ________ (同根詞)指示;命令 v. ________ 4.克服;戰勝 v. ________(...

  • 《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7》SectionB PPT(第3課時)

    《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7》SectionB PPT(第3課時)

    人教版九年級英語下冊《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7》SectionB PPT(第3課時),共30頁。 Review 1. 連續幾次地 ________________ 2.回首(往事);回憶 ________________ 3.對有耐心 ________________ 4.弄得一團糟 ________________ 5.沉住氣...

  • 《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7》SectionB PPT(第2課時)

    《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7》SectionB PPT(第2課時)

    人教版九年級英語下冊《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7》SectionB PPT(第2課時),共36頁。 Lead-in Now, lets enjoy a graduation song. What is the most important thing you have learned in junior high school ? Discuss the question with...

  • 《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7》SectionB PPT(第1課時)

    《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7》SectionB PPT(第1課時)

    人教版九年級英語下冊《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7》SectionB PPT(第1課時),共25頁。 Lead-in What do you hope to do in the future? Write about what you would like to do in the future. 1. get a business degree and become a manage...

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