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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 外研版九年級英語下冊 >
  • 《Language in use》Travel PPT課件2

    《Language in use》Travel PPT課件2

    《Language in use》Travel PPT課件2 Work in pairs. Talk about your journey by car / train / plane. Language practice He went to stay with his family in the UK. Why is travel so difficult in winter? We flew direct to Hong Kong. We took a tou...

  • 《Language in use》Travel PPT課件

    《Language in use》Travel PPT課件

    《Language in use》Travel PPT課件 Language practice Hes staying with his family in the UK. Why is travel so difficult in winter? Its the busiest season in China because of Spring Festival. We flew to Hong Kong and the flight was late. Last...

  • 《It

    《It's a long story》Travel PPT課件3

    《It's a long story》Travel PPT課件3 objectives 1. To understand the story happening during the trip. 2. To learn some key words and useful expressions 3. To write something about a trip you have made including the information about w...

  • 《It

    《It's a long story》Travel PPT課件2

    《It's a long story》Travel PPT課件2 學習目標: 1、通過快速讀課文,能找出課文中的重點短語并理清文章的線索。 (重點) 2、通過精讀課文,能捕捉課文中的信息,。(重點、難 點) 3、通過本單元的學習,能夠運用所學知識與同學交流自己的旅行經歷,包括...

  • 《It

    《It's a long story》Travel PPT課件

    《It's a long story》Travel PPT課件 Work in pairs. Do you like to travel by train? Say something about your journey by train. Words and expressions take care 當心;小心 sir n. 先生;長官 officer n. 軍官;官員;警察 stupid adj. 笨的;糊涂...

  • 《We toured the city by bus and by taxi》Travel PPT課件3

    《We toured the city by bus and by taxi》Travel PPT課件3

    《We toured the city by bus and by taxi》Travel PPT課件3 Which of these forms of transport do you ① most like? ② least like? ③ travel most often? ④ travel least often? Please read the conversation and answer the questions. 1.What did L...

  • 《We toured the city by bus and by taxi》Travel PPT課件2

    《We toured the city by bus and by taxi》Travel PPT課件2

    《We toured the city by bus and by taxi》Travel PPT課件2 objectives 1. To understand the conversation with regard to travel. 2. To learn some key words and useful expressions 3. To talk about ones holiday using the structures below: I...

  • 《We toured the city by bus and by taxi》Travel PPT課件

    《We toured the city by bus and by taxi》Travel PPT課件

    《We toured the city by bus and by taxi》Travel PPT課件 Review Read the words and expressions loudly. 每課時單詞和短語的預熱溫習環節,要求學生快速讀出英文單詞說出漢語意思。 該環節可幫助學生在課初對早讀時間已熟讀記憶過的單詞及短語進行快速...

  • 【目錄】外研版九年級英語下冊PPT課件



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