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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 外研版七年級英語下冊 >
  • 《Vienna is the centre of European classical music》Western music PPT課件

    《Vienna is the centre of European classical music》Western music PPT課件

    《Vienna is the centre of European classical music》Western music PPT課件 the river Danube Vienna is a beautiful old city on the river Danube. 維也納是多瑙河畔一座美麗而古老的城市。 It's the capital city of Austria and the center of Europe...

  • 《It

    《It's so beautiful》Western music PPT課件2

    《It's so beautiful》Western music PPT課件2 Answers: blues slow sad classical serious traditional jazz fast opera dramatic beautiful pop lively rock fun techno modern Listen and number the words as you hear them. ( ) lively ( ) modern (...

  • 《It

    《It's so beautiful》Western music PPT課件

    《It's so beautiful》Western music PPT課件 Words and expressions /l avli/ lively adj. 活潑的,輕快地 /m d n/ modern adj. 現代的 /n zi/ noisy adj. 吵鬧的 /pp/ pop adj. 流行的,受歡迎的 /rk/ rock n. 搖滾樂;石頭;巖石 /sa nd/ sound n. 聲音...

  • 《Language in use》Body language PPT課件3

    《Language in use》Body language PPT課件3

    《Language in use》Body language PPT課件3 objective To learn to use Imperatives to express your attitude Language practice Give them more personal space. Wave to say goodbye. Be careful! Dont stand too close to North Americans. ... ... ....

  • 《Language in use》Body language PPT課件2

    《Language in use》Body language PPT課件2

    《Language in use》Body language PPT課件2 objective To learn to use Imperatives to express your attitude 語法講解建議采用歸納法,如盡可能多的呈現一些相關例句,或可讓學生從已學課文中找相應例句,引導學生試著從所觀察到的語言現象中總結出語言...

  • 《Language in use》Body language PPT課件

    《Language in use》Body language PPT課件

    《Language in use》Body language PPT課件 Language practice Give them more personal space. Wave to say goodbye. Be careful! Dont stand too close to North Americans. 祈使句小結 1.定義:用于表達命令、請求、勸告、警告、禁止等的句子叫做祈使句,...

  • 《Here are some ways to welcome them》Body language PPT課件3

    《Here are some ways to welcome them》Body language PPT課件3

    《Here are some ways to welcome them》Body language PPT課件3 Guess game! Where are they from? How do they greet? They are from Japan. They are Japanese. They usually bow each other when they meet. Where they are from? How do they greet? Th...

  • 《Here are some ways to welcome them》Body language PPT課件2

    《Here are some ways to welcome them》Body language PPT課件2

    《Here are some ways to welcome them》Body language PPT課件2 單詞解析 North Amrican n.北美人 South American n. 南美人 Britain n. 不列顛; 英國 fact n. 事實,細節 personal adj. 個人的 polite adj. 禮貌的 rude adj. 粗魯的無禮的 hold v. 握著,...

  • 《Here are some ways to welcome them》Body language PPT課件

    《Here are some ways to welcome them》Body language PPT課件

    《Here are some ways to welcome them》Body language PPT課件 俄羅斯老師 Russian teachers 迎接游客 welcome the visitors 在俄羅斯 in Russia 握手 shake hands 見來訪者 meet visitors 點頭 nod ones head 在不同國家 in different countries 在美國 in...

  • 《They touch noses》Body language PPT課件4

    《They touch noses》Body language PPT課件4

    《They touch noses》Body language PPT課件4 objectives 1. To learn the key words and useful expressions in the dialogue 2. To know the body languages in Russia in China in the US and in New Zealand Words: bow kiss shake smile visitor...

  • 《They touch noses》Body language PPT課件3

    《They touch noses》Body language PPT課件3

    《They touch noses》Body language PPT課件3 Language aims 1. To master the words and expressions in this lesson. 2. To process main information of body language. 3. To talk about body language. Words and expressions bow 鞠躬;彎腰 v. k...

  • 《They touch noses》Body language PPT課件2

    《They touch noses》Body language PPT課件2

    《They touch noses》Body language PPT課件2 Words and expressions bow v. 鞠躬,彎腰 kiss v. n. 吻,親吻 shake v. 搖晃 shake hands 握手 smile v. n. 微笑 British adj. 英國的,英國人的 German n. 德國人;德語 adj. 德國(人)的;德語的 Japanese ...

  • 《They touch noses》Body language PPT課件

    《They touch noses》Body language PPT課件

    《They touch noses》Body language PPT課件 Learning aims(學習目標): 1牢記單詞、詞組。 2聽懂對不同國家體語的描述。 3熟練運用本節內容談論不同國家的體語。 4了解不同國家的體語及英語國家文化,體驗學英語的樂趣。 Lets share some body languge ? S...

  • 《Language in use》A holiday journey PPT課件2

    《Language in use》A holiday journey PPT課件2

    《Language in use》A holiday journey PPT課件2 Revision Time Review the sentences that we have studied in Unit 1 and Unit 2. Where did you go on holiday? ________________. Did you fly to Los Angeles? ______________. How long did it take to...

  • 《Language in use》A holiday journey PPT課件

    《Language in use》A holiday journey PPT課件

    《Language in use》A holiday journey PPT課件 Revision Time Where did Betty go on holiday? To Los Angeles. Did she fly to Los Angeles? Yes she did How long did it take to get there? It took about nine hours. ... ... ... Have A Look 【本單...

  • 《This morning we took a walk》A holiday journey PPT課件3

    《This morning we took a walk》A holiday journey PPT課件3

    《This morning we took a walk》A holiday journey PPT課件3 Teaching aims 1. To master the key vocabulary: 2. To master the key structures: irregular past simple of verbs 3. To get information from the reading material about holiday journeys...

  • 《This morning we took a walk》A holiday journey PPT課件2

    《This morning we took a walk》A holiday journey PPT課件2

    《This morning we took a walk》A holiday journey PPT課件2 Talk about your journey. Where did you go in your past life? Who was with you? How did you get there? How long did you spend there? What did you see there? What did you buy there? W...

  • 《This morning we took a walk》A holiday journey PPT課件

    《This morning we took a walk》A holiday journey PPT課件

    《This morning we took a walk》A holiday journey PPT課件 Revision: Tell us something about your last holiday. It must include (包括): When did you go for your holiday? Where did you go? How did you go? Who was with you / went with you? Whe...

  • 《What did you do?》A holiday journey PPT課件2

    《What did you do?》A holiday journey PPT課件2

    《What did you do?》A holiday journey PPT課件2 Warming-up Do you liktravelling ? Do you want to have a journey to the USA ? Enjoy some pictures of Los Angeles and answer: What can you see in Los Angeles? What can you do in Los Angeles? ......

  • 《What did you do?》A holiday journey PPT課件

    《What did you do?》A holiday journey PPT課件

    《What did you do?》A holiday journey PPT課件 根據圖畫內容和所給單詞造句。 What did you do? watch TV last Sunday I watched TV last Sunday. play computer games last Saturday I played computer games last Saturday. ... ... ... Teaching aims(...

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